Benoit J - My mostly tech blog

Learning to Learn

Published on 2024-08-06

Categories: general
Tags: learning

Learning to learn is a necessary skill that takes time to master. With that skill developed, you can learn and become proficient in doing many things.

Here is a simplified version of how I learn:

  1. The sponge phase I document myself about a specific subject (documentation, blogs, books, YouTube, people. This phase is intense, kind of obsessive. At that phase, it’s about absorbing as much and as various information without thinking too much. I try to not make an opinion, I just absorb.
  2. The experiment phase At this phase, I try stuff. If it’s coding back-end, then I try to build couple of simple APIs, simple tests, simple integrations. If it’s home improvement, I may create mock-ups, try with scrap wood. I try to define small and specific learning objectives. I don’t create complete working POCs, but just small snippet of things. This phase starts before the end of the sponge phase, when I have enough information.
  3. The critics phase I look back at what I have learned, look back at my sources, and form my own opinion of what is good, bad. This is when I start to be critic of my sources, I trust no one. Lots of people forget this phase, and trust what they read, see, hear.

I apply this in most of my learning in my life, tech or not.

How do you learn?


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